How It’s Made
Terix Biochar is made from organic biomass such as agricultural and timber residue, for example nutshells and pine pallets. Materials used to produce Terix Biochar would otherwise go to landfill where they break down and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
Circular Economy
Terix Biochar presents the opportunity for gardeners to participate in the circular economy. You will see from the diagram that growing wood in pine plantations comes full circle to growing plants in your backyard. Used pallets and nutshell are repurposed into biochar for use by local gardeners.
Advanced Thermal Treatment
Locally sourced biomass is prepared prior to processing in a Pyrocal CCT system where advanced thermal treatment is applied to produce biochar. Physical and chemical contaminants are removed as part of the process producing a high quality, carbon rich biochar.
Pyrocal CCT systems create value from waste with a focus on materials that cannot be effectively reused or recycled. Biochar is one of multiple value streams offered by Pyrocal’s CCT systems.
Heat Treated Pallets
We only use heat treated pallets for Terix Biochar production.
Any unexpected impurities are vaporised and destroyed during the continuous carbonisation processing.
Check out our video about how Terix Biochar is made.