Our commitment to sustainability underpins the production of Terix Biochar and the strategic and operational objectives of the wider Pyrocal business. We strive to continually innovate and deliver genuine environmental, social and economic outcomes for our customers and the communities we serve.
When waste is transformed into biochar, carbon is stored for 100’s of years, or more. This process decarbonises the environment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
By comparison, if that same waste goes to landfill high levels of methane gas and CO2 are generated. These landfill gases are produced when bacteria breakdown organic waste.
Create energy
Terix Biochar production generates thermal energy that can be converted to electrical energy or utilised as process heat.
Produced responsibly
The Pyrocal CCT system used to produce Terix Biochar meets Australian, European and USA emissions standards.
In addition, the process is auto thermal which means the energy to run the Pyrocal CCT system is created via the feedstock conversion.